Customer Feedback on Horticultural Products
» Rhododendrons,
Camellias and Magnolias
» Fritillaria
Keeling-Over Disease
» Species
» African
Violets (Saintpaulia)
» Carnations
» Tomatoes
Grown Hydroponically
» Vegetables
and Flowers - Gateshead Summer Show 1998
» Pumpkins
» Vegetables
and Flowers - Local Show Winner
» Fuchsias
» Golf
Greens - Microbial Counts and Root Biomass
» Hanging
» Exhibition
Rhododendrons , Camellias and Magnolias
A letter date September 1995 from a gardener in Gloucestershire
states: "I would like you to know the remarkable success I
have had using Humates. In particular I have never had growth like
it on camellias and one hybrid rhodo has put on two years of growth
in one season, ie now has two sets of buds for next spring. A young
magnolia, having one flower last year has grown 9 branches 4 feet
6 inches long & is covered in fat buds whilst the same sized
plant I gave to my son-in-law is still 3 feet in height with no
buds. (Mine is 5 feet). Azaleas that have not flowered for years
are now in bud."
Fritillaria Keeling-Over Disease.
A feature in the Autumn 1998 issue of the Newsletter of the Fritillaria
Section of the Alpine Garden Society, written by a user of Viresco™,
showed that fritillaria keeling-over-disease could be prevented
by using Viresco™ microbial products. He previously had had limited success with fungicides.
A breeder of species gladiolus used Humate and Viresco™ for the first time in spring 1997. At the end of August 1997 he
wrote to say "growth and results this year in all my plantings
that have had Humate and Viresco treatments have been remarkable
and I have not used any insecticide or fungicide whatsoever".
Later, in June 2001, he wrote to say that he had conducted a trial growing gladioli corms from seed. The seed was all from the same batch and was sown in 26th January 2001 and the seedling corms harvested on 20th May 2001. Six different trays of seeds were sown and one tray was treated with Viresco Soluble. The average weight of the corms produced in the tray treated with Viresco™ was 0.446g. The other 5 trays averaged between 0.176g and 0.291g. The number of corms in each tray varied between 65 and 89. Over 78% of the corms in the treated tray were retained on a 5mm sieve. In the other trays the percentages of the corms larger than 5mm ranged from 38.6% to 61.6%. The grower plans to continue this work. using our Viresco Hydroponics
African Violets (Saintpaulia)
A nurseryman, growing African Violets, has been using granular Humate
in his mixes since February 1996. He has cut down his growing time
from 12 weeks to 10 weeks and improved the colour of his plants.
A judge at the 1996 Hull Carnation Show wrote to us and said "One
Exhibitor had outstanding carnations with good strong stems and
excellent flowers. ...... He tells me that he used Humate and Viresco™ which he obtained from you."
Tomatoes Grown Hydroponically
We have a microbial product that is contained in Viresco™ Hydroponics. This product was used at one nursery that grew about
500,000 tomato plants using the NFT system under 34 acres of glass.
Fungicides were eliminated. New owners moved away from NFT and from
tomatoes and now do not use our product.
Gateshead Summer Show 1999
At the Gateshead Show, exhibitors who are users of our Humate and Viresco™ products won awards in the following categories: 2 pot leeks - 1st
prize; 2 intermediate leeks - 1st prize; 2 blanch leeks - 1st and
2nd prizes; 3 different leeks - 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes; 2 onions
- 1st prize; collection of 6 vegetables - 1st and 2nd prizes and
"Best in Show" exhibit; collection of 9 vegetables - 2nd
prize; collection of 4 vegetables - 1st and 4th prizes; 4 white/4
coloured potatoes - 2nd prize; 4 white potatoes - 1st and 4th prizes;
4 coloured potatoes - 4th prize; 2 onions - 1st prize; 2 celery
- 1st prize; truss of tomatoes - 1st and 2nd prizes; 6 tomatoes
- 2nd prize; 6 broad beans - 2nd prize; 6 peas - 3rd prize; 2 long
carrots - 1st prize; 2 stump carrots - 1st and 3rd prizes; 2 long
beet - 1st and 4th prizes; 2 parsnips - 2nd prize; sweet peas -
various classes 6 first prizes, 2 second prizes and 1 third prize.
Vegetables and Flowers
- Local Show Winner
One customer from Co. Durham, having used both Humates and Viresco™ during 1996, put numerous flowers and vegetables into his local
Show. Out of 186 available points, he took 174 points! He put his
success down to using Humates and Viresco™.
Golf Greens - Microbial Counts and Root Bio-mass
On 4 golf courses, trials with Humate and Viresco™ products took place in the summer of 1998. On one practice green,
over a period of 2 months, root biomass was shown to go up by an
average of 29% with no change in the control plots. Bacterial counts
went up by 98% whilst in the control plots they went down by about
Hanging Baskets
In September 1995, we met one of first customers for Viresco™ .
In June of that year he stared to use Viresco™ Soluble and Viresco™ Foliar in his hanging baskets. He had been trying to win, in his
local Show, the 12" hanging basket competition for several
years but had never succeeded. That year, he took the first two
places and put it down to using Viresco.