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Viresco (UK) Ltd Tel: 44 (0)1845 525585 Fax: 44 (0)1845 523133

Viresco (UK) Limited is a company registered in England and Wales with company number 5079726 VAT No: 481 9223 35 © 2003-2012

Suppliers of speciality products for the amateur pondkeeper and gardener worldwide


Many pondkeepers as they design and build their ponds decide to include a filter system that is far larger than the water volume in the pond requires. For example, they will build a pond that is, say, 1000 gallons and add a filter that adequately cope with, say, 4000 gallons of pondwater. One consequence of this is the introduction of ever increasing numbers of fish as the pondkeeper knows that the extra ammonia excrement arising from the overstocking in the particular volume of water can be adequately dealt with by the larger than necessary filter.

In addition, some pondkeepers will be “more than generous” when they feed their fish. This again will increase the ammonia excreted into the pond from the gills and anuses of their fish. The larger than required filter can deal satisfactorily with this extra ammonia waste.

These two aspects, overstocking and overfeeding, do have an influence on the amount of Viresco that should be used in these particular cases. Our recommended usage rates are based on water volumes where the input of nitrate from the filter is not excessive. As a guideline, if there are more than 2.5 kg of fish weight per 1000 gallons of water, then more Viresco™ Aqua or Koi should be used.

However, where pondkeepers are overstocking and/or overfeeding because they know their extra filter capacity can cope, they should use larger doses of our Viresco products.

Weighty issues ....
Copy of an article which appeared in Koi Carp Magazine which talked about Viresco's new formulae for assessing the weight of koi and its implications on pond treatments, stocking rates and feeding.